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Insta FAQ

Many of us often have the same questions, so I decided to create an FAQ that will answer them in debts with links to specific topics.

Q: How Do You Afford to Travel?

While my blog is currently my main (but not the only) source of income, it hasn’t always been that way. I’ve been on the road years beforeI started travel blogging– 8 years more to be precise. If you’re curious about how did I make it all happen to read my article on howI monetize my blog these days.

While I do make money blogging, there are manydifferent ways to make money onlinethat you can later spend on travels. These days (2022) I actually prefer not to work on many partnerships and make my money and then go whenever and wherever I want.

And… before anyone starts assuming: while I am often sponsored to travel somewhere, I also take my own trips to places I want to visit – just like I used to do before I started blogging.

For instance, no one paid me to go toPeru,Eritrea, orCuba, but I went as I wanted to visit these places. I’d also never say that I’m being “paid to travel” like a lot of people claim to be. You can read my thoughts on thishere.

Visiting Eritrea in May 2018.

Q: Where Are You Now?

(2023) After 2 years of living in Salt Lake City UT and Mexico on and off, along with my husband, two kiddos, andPoofy the Catand bunnies we needed a change.

Long story short (explained here) we realized that sadly we cannot make Europe work at the moment, andwe’re living in North Carolina.

Meanwhile, I also travel a lot and slowly work on visiting every country in the world.

Sadly, this is a Riad in Morocco, not my house.

Q: Do You Have Any Blogging Tips?

I have plenty of tips, but unfortunately, I must warn you: it’s just for beginners as blogging (along with skills that go with it) takes a lot of constant learning as things change rapidly in the online industries.

I write some posts about blogging以及如何使money from it on my other blog, where I also share side hustle tips.

Q: Where Can I Find Tips on Traveling with Kids?

I created a dedicated family travel section on this blog to help you travel with kids. Find ithere.

For reviews of strollers, toys and other useful gear please check my other blog –

Q: What Are Your Must-Pack Items For Every Trip?

Most of the time I travel with a small carry-on suitcase only (when I travel solo, with kids it’s a different story). I’m not sure whether I’m naturally a good packer, or I’m too afraid that my luggage would get lost on the way and I’d end up with nothing.

You can see what’s always in my suitcase in mycarry-on packing guide.

Q: Best Comfortable Dresses and Shoes for Travel?

There are so many great places to buy dresses! But, I highly recommend materials that are easy to wash and quick to dry: like polyester, bamboo, or modal.

我放弃了在棉花干永远,没有人has time for it on the road and many places have no dryers. Linen also wrinkles too much in a suitcase.

My favorite brands are:Jessa Kae(code ANNAK10 saves 10%),Unique Vintage,Draper James,RedDress,RevolveandASOS.

I’m that person that can hike in sandals or flip flops (and ironically make it faster than some geared-up people), so I might not be much help in the shoe department

Q: What Are Your Favorite Places to See in Mexico?

That’s a tough one!Mexico is such an amazing country with literally everything.

The most incredible state to see, in my opinion, is San Luis Potosi.

To live, I enjoyQuintana Rooand you can find plenty of non-touristy things.

For food, Mexico City is unbeatable.

Q: Aren’t You Lonely on the Road When Traveling solo?

While I started this blog as a solo female travel blog. These days (since my husband is in the picture) I travel on my own 50% the time when the other person stays with kiddos. I still love traveling solo.

Yes, I’ve got lonely many times, but I’ve learned to make friends as I go and I learned that some places are really not great for solo travel while others are.

Over the years I’ve been making a bunch of friends from universities, hostels or work – these days I can easily meet up with friends I made traveling anywhere I go.

Flying over NYC with my now husband!
Flying over NYC with Matt!

Q: “I’m Traveling to X, Do You Have Any Tips?”

It’s the most common question, especially on Instagram. Before you ask me for tips to any place, let me ask you this: what kind of tips are we talking about? Are you asking if this place is safe? Do you want to know where to stay? Or maybe you want to know what are the best attractions? What do you want to know about this place and what kind of traveler are you?

I have plenty of tips about destinations I visited, but I need more information. I can’t give you any answer before knowing what you expect to hear from me.

The Monastery at Petra, Jordan 2018.


Q: How Are You Traveling with Two Kids and Cat?

While it takes a good amount of planning and it’s not easy, we don’t give up because of the kids. We want to show the kids the world and will be taking them places. Dylan (the older one) already traveled to 8 countries, while Holden (the younger one) was actually exploring Mexican cenotes before he turned 3 weeks, so I’m going to expand myfamily travel sectionas they grow.

We’re alreadytraveling with a catwithout any major issues. Poof has visited a bunch of US states and been to 5 countries already. Everything is possible

Poofy was our first frequent traveler

Q: What Are Your Must-Have Travel Items When Traveling with Kids?

It depends on where you’re going, but we always try to be minimalists. Babies up to 9 months don’t need much.

After testing abunch of travel strollerswe stick toBabyzen Yoyo. Nothing else compares and it’s totally worth the money.

For up to 18 months I also lovehiccapop chair, so we can strap the child and feed him in a hotel room when we need to rearrange things.

Another thing is a carrier, even if we don’t plan on using itwe bring onejust in case something isn’t stroller friendly, we want to hike, and so on.

More here:traveling with a baby packing list.

With the kids in Bora Bora

Q: How Do You Entertain the Kids on Flights?

Flying with kids is easy when they’re babies and tough when they’re toddlers.

After two kids I can honestly tell you (and my friends agree) is that the worst period to travel is around 8 months to 16 months, because all kids want to do is to move.

Before 6 months it’s easy because babies don’t need food and will most likely just sleep on the plane.

Here are my tips onflying with a baby和飞toddler.

These days we often travel with two kids and a cat – it’s possible!
