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Ruta de los Cenotes: Best Cenotes in Puerto Morelos

Ruta de los Cenotes: Best Cenotes in Puerto Morelos

Whilecenotes in Tulumare amazing, and cenotes in Valladolid are quieter and fascinating,there’s nothing like Ruta de los Cenotes in Puerto Morelos.

Puerto Morelos cenotes are very off the path, many of them undiscovered and various still appear to be not very touristy despite the cenotes having zip lines, swings and other fun things people might like.

I’ve been hunting cenotes in Mexico for years now and in fact, during my recent visit I discovered that my photos from a few cenotes in Puerto Morelos are actually printed out and put on a poster there, so you might see some of these photos of me on the way when you go

How to Get to Ruta de los Cenotes?

Ruta de los Cenotes is a road into the jungle in Puerto Morelos, but the road is fully paved. You’ll see a big sign on the highway.

Puerto Morelos is a smaller town between Cancun andPlaya del Carmen. Visiting those cenotes can be easily done on aday trip from Playa del Carmen, Cancun or evenTulum.

There are no collectivos, so you either need torent a car, take a taxi (but that’s pretty pricy as your driver will have to wait), or book a tour (only applies to some cenote visits).

The only other way of visiting the area without a car is by taking a Xenotes tour. They will take you to 4 different cenotestypes for activities like zipline, snorkeling, kayaking and you get to see bits of everything. These cenotes aren’t usually open to the public outside of these tours, so it’s a very fun experience.

While you could hire a taxi to drive you around it would cost you way more as the taxi would need to wait for you while you’re at cenotes.

IMPORTANT:At the cenotes in Mexico, you’ll be asked to swimwithoutany lotions or creams on your skin at all, as can poison fish, sea plants, and other delicate marine life. You also must take a quick shower before entering the cenote.

You will live after being exposed to the sun for a bit, but you’ll live. Sadly, other creatures will not survive if you infect their natural habitat with sunscreen. However, you can getbiodegradable sunscreenat some cenotes.

Please note: all prices are in Mexican Pesos (MXN). Prices increase all the time, so please keep in mind that it might be slightly higher. Be prepared.

1. Cenotes 7 Bocas

One of the first cenotes you’ll see on the highway and often a spot for group tours. It’s a complex of a few cenotes, some for snorkeling and cliff jumping while others are for diving.

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While popular, I honestly think there are better options of cenotes in Puerto Morelos.

Cenote 7 Bocas Entrance Fee: 400 MXN.
Cenote 7 Bocas Opening Times: 9 AM to 5:30 PM daily.

2. Cenote Ich-Ha (Cenote Ojo de Agua)

Cenote Ich-Ha looks pretty unimpressive at first, but fear not – it’s amazing!

Ojo de agua cenote has multiple jumping spots with smaller openings (there’s also a ladder to get down), but once you get in you’ll be amazed by the clear waters and semi-open tunnels.

Cenote Ojo de Agua Entrance Fee: 250 MXN.
Cenote Ojo de Agua Opening Times: 9 AM to 4 PM daily.

3. Cenote Boca del Puma

Boca del Puma is a cenote complex of 2 cenotes (one open cenote and one cavern cenote). You need to visit it with a guide as it’s deep in the jungle, then spend some time atCenote Agua Escondidawhich is part of the complex.

Upon arrival, you’ll be welcomed by a few friendly wild spider monkeys. Ziplining is included in the price and you can also take ATV trip. The actual Boca del Puma cenote is dark and incredible, but there’s also a second cenote with a zip-line, places to sit and shallow parts for kids.

I was surprised how much I enjoyed this cenote.

Cenote Boca del Puma Entrance Fee: 400 MXN.
Cenote Boca del Puma Opening Times: 9 AM to 5 PM daily or by reservations recommended.

4. Cenote Zapote

Cenote Zapote is another eco-park with multiple small cenotes in the area, which means there are other activities included in the price as well as food and tequila tasting. Cenote Zapote is accepting guestsby reservations only, otherwise, you might be waiting a while.

Cenote Zapote Opening Times:每天9点到下午6点

5. Cenote La Noria

best cenotes Mexico
You’ll see this photo on a poster when you drive into the cenote, because… it’s Mexico

拉多斗挖土机在r是一个天然井oad of cenotes close to Puerto Morelos. It’s a great cenote for diving as it’s very deep, but also you can swing inside a cave that I haven’t seen in any other cenote.

There’s also a floating platform at the center of the cenote, so you can swim to reach it and float.

Cenote La Noria Entrance Fee: 200 MXN.
Cenote La Noria Opening Times: 9 AM to 4 PM daily.

6. Cenote Sol y Luna

Cenote Sol y Luna is one of the party cenotes. If you’re into fun spots to jump from, music, bar and hammocks to use. Surprisingly, when we visited in the morning there was absolutely no one else at the cenote so we had it all to ourselves.

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那天然井中的水非常暖和n elsewhere and the color is amazing. There’s also a small waterpark with a few slides, temazcal place, and lounge chairs. For an extra 50 mxn you can rent a hammock.

CenoteSol y Luna Entrance Fee: 350 MXN.
CenoteSol y Luna Opening Times: 10 AM to 5 PM daily.

7. Cenote Verde Lucero

best cenotes Mexico

Verde Lucero is an open cenote with various small caves that you can explore and use some floaties. Like the majority of cenotes in the area of Puerto Morelos, it has a zipline and a cliff for jumping. The whole scenery look very jungle like so you’ll surely enjoy it!

Cenote Verde Lucero Entrance Fee: 250 MXN for 4 cenotes
Cenote Verde Lucero Opening Times: 9 AM to 5 PM daily.


Saturday 2nd of September 2017

The Ruta de los Cenotes in Puerto Morelos is so nice... Cenotes Zapote and Cenote Kin Ha spectacular. Nice blog, congratulation!


Wednesday 9th of November 2016

I loved the photos! You should also go visit Los 7 Cenotes, I went there last month and the cenotes were amazing, here is the website Its close to Merida

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